dozens of teachers and parents with their children have property on the Thursday before the private Tönnies, a plant of the slaughterhouse, as well as a Church in Rheda-Wiedenbrück protested. They had signs with imprints such as “stop the yield in the case of Tönnies” in. Protest Participant Melanie Beforth said: “education is apparently so important as to eat a piece of meat.” It but not about to show to the workers in the case of Tönnies, which was the culprit. She wanted to show that families are at the limit of their performance capacity. After the Corona onset at Germany’s largest Slaughterhouse Tönnies as a precaution, schools and kindergartens were in the district of Gütersloh closed.

Volker Bruges jürgen von der Caritas Gütersloh was among the Demonstrators. “We are criticising for years the working and living conditions in the case of Tönnies,” the Chairman of the Board. “The System Tönnies endangers the social cohesion.” Of Tönnies, it means that you have understanding for the displeasure. “I have spoken with the people in front of the factory and apologized,” said a spokesman of Tönnies. “We will do everything possible to get rid of the Virus again, so that the schools and day-care centres can also start after the summer holidays, back to normal.”

follow in Bielefeld

The rise of coronavirus-Infected in the neighboring district of Gütersloh has also consequences for the people in Bielefeld, Germany: According to figures from the city were informed on Thursday, the schools and nurseries that the children of Tönnies-Employ have to be sent home. Other children from the district of Gütersloh is not subject to this measure, the city announced. According to information of “Radio Bielefeld” has also responded to the Klinikum Bielefeld: It closes as a response to the increased case numbers in the case of Tönnies and his three houses for visitors, and thus makes between-term loosening of the Corona-undo a rule.

the Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) wants to present according to his Ministry “in a nutshell” the proposed draft law for stricter rules in the meat industry. The Ministry was working hard. Healing aware of the urgency, it said on Thursday, on request. “The latest case of the hundreds of Corona-Infected in a slaughterhouse, shows the urgent need for action.”