The minister of Labour never ceases to repeat: “The wage gap between a man and a woman for the same work is prohibited by law in the last forty-seven years.” Yet, a survey of the Insee, released Thursday, confirms that women in the private sector earn an average of 16.8 % less than men in full-time equivalent (EQTP). A gap slightly smaller in the public service (12.4 per cent).

see also : 8 march: the economic inequality of men and women in four points

women more often part-time, and less often in employment in the year, are particularly penalized. Taking into account both these sources of wage differences, the statistical institute estimates that the pay received by women is, on average, lower by 28.5 % to that of men. More than 40 % of this wage gap is the result of the inequality of working time.

Other problem: the more women are educated, the more the difference in wages (in EQTP) increases. It goes from 15.8% to persons who do not have the bachelor’s degree to 29.4 % for holders of a bac + 3 or more. And professional experience, does nothing to these inequalities, on the contrary! In women who have more than thirty years of career, the pay gap will reach 21.7 percent, compared with 6.4 % among those with less than five years of professional experience.

see also : wage Inequality: strategies to win your case

Finally, the fact that one and the other do not occupy the same business, allied to the inequality of ranks, with 22.8% of men with a position in an employment context against 17.5% of women, accentuates these wage differences.

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