The report is almost 170 pages thick and Large: promises to be no less than a master plan for how the world overcome the most severe economic crisis since nine decades, and at the same time, a decisive breakthrough in climate protection can be achieved. “The year 2019 may be the year in which global CO2 emissions are definitely their peak have exceeded and in the future will decline,” said Fatih Birol, Director of the International energy Agency (IEA), in an interview with F. A. Z., The professionals of multi-national authority, in Paris, have developed the report in cooperation with the International monetary Fund (IMF).

Marcus Theurer

editor in the economy of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

“The governments now have a unique Chance to launch their economy and to accelerate the transformation of the energy system is crucial”, says IEA chief Birol for his Plan. It is to be debated on 9. July on one of the energy Agency organized the “Clean Energy Transitions Summit”. At the virtual conference, representatives take part, according to the energy Agency, the government, on their countries, more than 80 percent of global energy consumption. The course, among other things, the Minister of energy of the United States and China have said. Both people, by far the biggest climate sinners of the world economies. “We hope that Minister Altmaier is to predict,” says Birol.

“I am very optimistic,”

the vertices of The green economy programme of the energy Agency are as follows: In the three years up to the end of 2023 around the globe, government and private investment by a total of $ 3 trillion is to be mobilized. You should bring both the Corona pandemic stricken world economy as well as climate protection. This could be annually preserved nine million jobs, or be re-created, appreciated the Economists of the IEA, and the IMF. The annual global CO2 emissions could be reduced with this climate protection programme of investment of 4.5 billion tonnes lower than would be expected otherwise. For comparison: That would be about 13 percent of the global total emissions by 2019. The world would be for the first time on a good path to achieve the goals of the Paris climate summit, says Birol.

the Corona-crisis have polarized the debate, “unfortunately,” laments the IEA chief. Will frequently discussed, whether it is now more important to create Jobs or to protect the climate. “We show that you can have both,” says Birol. Because the experts of the IEA and the IMF put its proposals on the green investment projects that can be quickly implemented and, therefore, the Economists recommended a rapid boost to the economy supply.

Three fields holds the energy Agency for particularly promising: first, to around the globe, the Expansion of solar energy and wind power pushed for it. “This is a cost-effective and fast,” says Birol. Secondly, the energy-efficient refurbishment of buildings should be pushed rapidly forward, and, thirdly, should be modernised electricity grids. Overall, the report provides an analysis of 30 individual measures.

What make America, and Asia?

But the politicians will follow the proposals of the energy Agency? “I am very optimistic,” says Birol. “Even if it is a government only of economic growth and climate protection is completely no matter, this would be an excellent investment.” The estimated cost of the investment plan of 1 trillion dollars is equivalent to approximately 0.7 per cent of global economic output. But the growth would rise this year by 1.1 percentage points, to calculate the Economists.