President, Donald Trump has signed a sanctions law against China because of the persecution of the Muslim minority of Uighurs under. According to the act, the government must identify, within 180 days of the Chinese representatives of the government, for the suppression of the Uyghur minority and other Muslim groups in Xinjiang province in the North-West of China is responsible. On the basis of the law Trump may impose sanctions against Chinese government representatives. He can also decide against the use of sanctions, if he determines that it would damage the national interests of the United States.

The law prefer to perpetrators of human rights violations, such as the “systematic use” of re-education camps, forced labour and Supervision for the “eradication of ethnic identity and the religious Beliefs of the Uyghurs and other minorities in China” for responsibility, it said in a communications to the White house. The Congress had passed the bill with cross-party support at the end of may – there was only a single vote against in the house of representatives.

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The law threatens to increase tensions between America and China. During the Corona pandemic had worsened the relationship significantly. Trump accuses China to have the Virus at the source contained. A further point of contention is the increasing interference of Beijing in the actually Autonomous metropolis of Hong Kong. In the midst of the tensions, the Minister, Mike Pompeo came together outside on Wednesday with the Chinese diplomat and a member of the powerful Politburo of the Communist workers ‘ party, Yang Yiechi, Hawaii. Details of the meeting were not initially known.

China has threatened America with the consequences. The United States would “correct its mistakes immediately” and the bill pull back. “Otherwise, China’s definitely determined resistance, and all of the resulting consequences need to be fully of the United States,” it said in a communication to the Chinese foreign Ministry on Thursday.

the signing of The law more explosive extracts from the unpublished book of trump’s former National security was made on the day of the publication adviser, John Bolton. In a pre “Wall Street Journal” published the Chapter it says, China’s President Xi Jinping had declared Trump last year at a dinner at the G20 summit in Osaka in Japan, why he build camp in Xinjiang. In the case of entertainment, only interpreters were. Relying on the interpreter of the American government, Bolton writes, Trump told Xi that he should go ahead with the construction of the warehouse ahead. Bolton adds: “What is considered Trump for just the Right thing”. Bolton referred to the bearing as a sharp critic of the leadership in Beijing – in his book as a “concentration camp”.

Uighurs are ethnically related to the Turks and feel of the ruling Han Chinese suppressed. After your power in 1949, taking over in Beijing, the Communists had incorporated the former East Turkestan, China. Beijing accuses Uighur groups as terrorism. America’s government estimates the number of in re-education camps, imprisoned members of non-Muslim minorities to more than a Million.