The trial of the alleged right-wing extremist motivated murder of the North Hessian government President Walter Lübcke has been on Thursday continued. The defenders of the two defendants were further objections on grounds of Bias against the court.

it was a Statement of the presiding judge Thomas Sagebiel during the trial, had said in the direction of the accused: “don’t Listen to your defense, listen to me.” The defenders of the main defendants, Stephan E., Mustafa Kaplan, justified his request on the fact that the court apparently is to create hatred between the accused and their defenders.

The higher regional court of Frankfurt wanted to enter after a short break in the morning and then in the taking of evidence. In this case, the police interrogation video should be shown with the first confession by Stephen e. in the court room. This confession has E. call, in the meantime, and later a different Version of the Tatgeschehens explained.