“Save Melania!” Hardly an Anti-Trump-Demonstration came out in the past few years without such a shield. That Melania Trump was involuntarily in the White house or are unhappy in their marriage, with the President, was thought by many to Trump opponents as identified. As soon as Donald Trump needs to leave the White house, going to separate Melania anyway, is a popular speculation. In a new book, the journalist Mary Jordan is attempting to make a more differentiated picture of the First Lady. “The kind of her Deal” (About The art of your deal, an allusion to Donald Trumps book “The Art of the Deal”) describes a woman who had set their own goals, and in the White house arrived. In fact, Melania Trump was in the last few months, more present than before, perhaps also because it is her more to bring her messages from home among the people.

The First Lady has the opinion according to some researchers, a greater range in women than in men. Your consent values also seem to be not to the of her husband coupled. According to a survey by the end of 2019, according to Michelle Obama the most admired woman in the country. You’ll Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton behind when it comes to the criterion of admiration. This may of course mean many things: You can admire a woman for the rest of you endures a little.

Wants to talk to you Trump to resist?

Many of the Melania in surveys, admire, are likely to be white conservative women. This is a group of voters, which does not lose the President and the First Lady can help. White women chose Trump 2016 the majority of, if even scarcer than white men to office. What can you do Melania, to your man of this group is to offer it does also. Your stresses moderate-to-speak act the part, as if she wanted to translate Trump contradict him but also for middle-class women “”. As a Trump to the participants of the anti-racist demonstrations of the last few weeks, with the words, threatened:”When the Looting starts, the shooting”, as Melania called in to Twitter all to “peace”.

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test It was not the first Time that your message of your man’s seemed to contradict. Trump defends, for example, vehemently, to wear a mask to protect against the Coronavirus. His own experts, he berated in the past few months, and he supported finally, explicitly those who demonstrated against the measures of protection. Melania Trump, however, showed at the beginning of April with a mask on your Instagram Account and referred to the recommendations of the centers for disease control and prevention, CDC. Wearing a mask does not replace the need for “Social Distancing,” wrote the First Lady. On Twitter she thanked all of the employees in the service sector and in the hospitals. “The First Lady seems to have had a voice found,” commented about the “Washington Post”.

Only a few named sources

Melania Trump knew exactly what message she wants to send and when, so Mary Jordan in her book. Here, the First Lady of Conviction, and mostly, ultimately, in the interest of her husband was. From this she had said, unlike many observers, not “” to be freed. The marriage between the President and his wife is, in fact, very successful, and meanwhile, Melania was very fond of the First Lady, the author, based on Interviews with over a hundred people in five countries.

your sources are mostly anonymous, but they also have a few of them: the former Republican Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, for example, or the former head of communications at Trump, Anthony Scaramucci, who was only a few days in the office. Melania should have is that your marriage contract re-negotiated. Not only you will get more money, you have also ensured that their son Barron will always be treated like the other Trump kids.