The new Corona-Warning-App of the Robert Koch-Institute has been downloaded in the first hours is already several million Times. According to the Federal Ministry of health by Wednesday morning bereits6 were.453.606 Downloads counted. The Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), said: “This is outside six million reasons why the Coronavirus will in future have less opportunities.” The chief of the software group SAP, Christian Klein, called on Wednesday a similar order of magnitude in the number of Downloads.SAP was involved in the development of the application.

Kim-Björn Becker

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

Since Tuesday morning, the program is in the App-Storesvon Apple and Google available;you will initially be offered in German and English. Meanwhile, Apple has responded to criticism that the application was to be found in its own App Store on Tuesday morning, first bad. On the home page of the App store, Apple now indicates in a large format on the “official Warning-App”.

it is Unclear how many people have to use the App for it to work. You should make a contribution to the chain of Infection to keep track of and to avoid new Infections.So far, the speech of which was in often Report that at least 60 percent of the citizens would have to participate. The compound would be 50 million users in Germany. The number referred to a Simulation vonForschern at the University of Oxford. According to a communication from the University of the physicist Christophe Fraser said the pandemic could be stopped if”about 60 percent” of the population to use the application. Diemodell bill referred to a virtual city with a Million inhabitants.”But even with less users, we expect a reduction in the number of Infected and dead,” said Fraser.