In the case of the alleged rape in a Fanzug the defendant has been spoken in the second instance by the regional court of Mönchengladbach free. As a court spokesman said on Wednesday, was not in the view of the trial chamber for the man evident that the woman wanted to have Sex. The district court reversed the decision of the district court in part, which had sentenced the man convicted of rape and grievous bodily harm to three years and nine months in prison. The judgment is not yet final. The “image”newspaper had previously reported.

As the court spokesman said, is the acquittal of the rape are already on the 29. May, after two days of negotiations like that. The conviction for grievous bodily harm – the defendant had still struck a Fan in the train – remained. In its new statement, the alleged victim had made before the district court of the information coincided with those of the man to a large extent. From the point of view of the judges had not been for the man seen that he had acted against the will of the then 19-year-old woman.