“So personally I find it discriminatory that I have to endure such a sight”: With this statement, the owner of the hotel Angelika Hargesheimer made in the past week for outrage. Because you talked about fat people. Meanwhile, on the Homepage of beach hotels in Sahlenburg, which operates Hargesheimer, to find a Statement of the owner. No guest had ever been, because of his weight, dismissed. The Hotel inform only for liability reasons, that the design of furniture carry no more weight than 130 kg.

Green party politician Ricarda Lang wrote on Twitter, the Expression of Hargesheimer was “mean and hurtful”. Unfortunately, you have to devalue to be very accustomed to fat people. It is the end of comments to Lang’s body was followed by prompt degrading. “Finally, I may avail myself of the Buffet to be without of fats in the wall rammed,” wrote one User.

in fact discriminatory, are widely used at the end of statements about fat people far. “Fat Shaming”, or weight discrimination is called, when attacked people wealth because of their body, or marginalized to be offended. Fat people, so it is, then, to be lazy, greedy, careless. The social Ostracism of thick people is reflected in the bullying on the schoolyard and in the disadvantage on the labour market.

insults are for the thickness of everyday life

For many, the thickness of the Fat Shaming is part of your daily life. On the Internet, where insults anonymously can be expressed, experience especially much the thickness of hatred, says Ricarda Lang. Often hatred of women, and the Thickness of hostility, entangled themselves in the process, Long says. “The body is seen as an opportunity for a simple attack, as a way to not have to do with the content of a Person.”

in view of the sheer mass of insults, there are also moments of uncertainty. “Eventually, I began to think of each Post: I Have the power, the time and the courage, to me this hatred to suspend? I decided very deliberately to address the open and to put a clear sign. To show: you make me not be silenced.“ However, if people move because of attacks on their external characteristics from the public debate, was of course first and foremost a Problem for the people themselves, but also for democracy, writes Long.

The thickness of hatred in the network, not just women, any fat Person can become the target. Peter Altmaier is a politician who receives insults and threats because of his body weight. Among his Posts you’re looking for a long time. On Facebook, the comment is: “get off me, you fat Inzestsau!”

commitment against hatred

Against the hatred is also involved melody Michel Berger. The author and former fashion journalist shows on Instagram self-conscious of her thick body and writes about Fat Shaming and body acceptance. “I want to raise awareness of the fact that there are just different body shapes and no body is better than another.” With your Posts, you hit a nerve, she has over 40,000 Followers. But also on Instagram, you do not wait long on the hate: Constantly without being asked tips to lose weight, Michel Berger is offended and threatened. “Fat people are dehumanised often,” she says. “A User has called me, for example, always ‘creature’.”