you should have left it to your own Nude photos to an inmate: A prison officer is in vain to proceed against their removal from the service due to violation of the distance bid. The higher administrative court (OVG) Rheinland Pfalz in Koblenz, dismissed their appeal after notice from the Tuesday –final and this will be the final (Az. 3 A 11024/19.OVG).

Already, 2019, the administrative court (VG) of Trier had removed the officer from the service: you have had several months of a love relationship with a detainee in a prison “of the Rhine”. Under the concealment of their identity, the correctional officer have written to the prisoners ‘ letters,with the “revelation of sexual preferences and fantasies, as well as a planned common future”. In addition, the women have taken in the age of “over 50” a bracelet and a T-Shirt of the man without permission to go home.

in Front of the prison management, she held the affair according to the VG Trier secret. This was flown in 2017, with a control of the detainee post up. The state of Rhineland-Palatinate brought a disciplinary action. The country-wide competent disciplinary chamber of the VG Trier, instead of gave.

The official had committed “a serious misconduct”. You’ve created “from wayward motives, irresponsible, a risk situation for the prison and all the colleagues of hard-to-betrayed”, was the verdict of the administrative court. With the Release of Nude photos as well as shots of your home and your property to have made the officer vulnerable to blackmail. The court followed the opinion of the administrative court of Trier.

According to the OVG, the woman rode in their vocation, to have an intimate relationship to the prisoner had. The court did not believe her,the found letters, discussions undoubtedly your presentation. For the reduction of the control ability of the officer did not have sufficient evidence to be discoverable.