the Council of The city of Münster has released the local economic developers from his office. Thomas R. had maintained by his own admission, together with his wife private handling of Adrian V., the main suspect in the recent münster abuse case. Criminal charges against R. it is not, so far, emphasized a spokesman for the Prosecutor’s office.

Pure Burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

As the F. A. Z. learned, should have left the office of economic development the 27-year-old Adrian V., whose mother is Carina, and whose stepson four Times in his apartment in the Belgian seaside resort of Knokke. In the case of the ten-year-old child is the alleged main victim of the convicted Pädokriminellen. As a computer professional working V. to have installed in the apartment of the business sponsor of an IT-system.

Also, the previously known scene of the crime, the gazebo, his mother, had upgraded to V. technically. The investigators had found on seized storage media video recording. On them is to see how V. at the end of April, together with three now also captured men, his stepson and another child on hours abused. With reference to the ongoing investigations, the Prosecutor’s office left the question unanswered, whether the search of the Belgian apartment of the economy is planned conveyor.