The SPD parliamentary group rejects the plans of the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU) for a Reform of the Common European asylum law. In particular, the idea of pre-checks at the EU external limits of the social-Democrats with criticism. This is from a paper that has been decided by the group on Tuesday.

Helene Bubrowski

Political correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

it States that the whole asylum will take place procedures, including a reduction in the openness of the EU asylum centres in EU territory-not necessarily at the external borders – and to the Standards of German institutions lean on. An Overload of individual centres should be avoided by a maximum number and maximum length of stay, it says in the paper. A distribution to the member States should only take place if the asylum process has been completed for an applicant to be successful. The distribution on the States, should be “in solidarity”.