As Markus Söder 2019 assumed the chairmanship of the Prime Ministers ‘ conference, he called for a reform of federalism. Strong countries should receive more responsibilities as the weaker. “Federalism, the two-speeds”, he called it. Now his term is almost over, but concrete reform proposals he has put forward. He has, of course, quite right: Our federalism is in need of an Update. But unlike Söder says, would worsen the distribution of powers à – la-carte, the deficits-only and the basic problem does not eliminate it.

this is The biggest drawback of the Federal system that we fail to meet the constitutional goal of “equivalent living conditions” available. Equivalent living conditions does not mean that everything is the same. But people everywhere need to have similar life chances. This is patently not the case. Although has increased in recent years, the overall welfare – but also the differences between the regions. So, the gross domestic product of Saxony-Anhalt has increased since 2010 to 24 per cent, in Bavaria, but in order to 39 percent.

A look back: in 2016, the Federal government and the Länder agreed on a new System of financial equalisation. The balance of financial power between countries has been replaced by a compensation via the Federal government and the tax system. Ahead of the unwillingness of the “donor countries had gone” in the South, further large sums of money in the financial equalisation Deposit. In order to make the conflict solvable, increased the Federal government the compensation mass from tax revenues significantly. Thus, no country had less money in the pocket, but the wealthy countries, significantly more. Bayern has more than a billion euros more. A year.

Therefore, can afford the state more than others. A program to Artificial intelligence, additional Professor positions, a new University – of which other countries can only dream of. The differences in the performance and competitiveness are getting bigger and bigger. This was at the time of the adoption of the new compensation mechanism’ in sight, even the warnings it gave. An Alternative majority, but was not able to.