In the case of children up to the age of ten years, have been proven in a new study by the University hospitals of Freiburg, Heidelberg, Tübingen and Ulm to a possible infection with the Sars-Cov-2 Virus is less common antibodies than in adults. The investigation of the baden-württemberg Minister President Winfried Kretschmann (greens) had given up in order to get certainty about the importance of Closing children’s centres, and schools to curb the pandemic. Were investigated 4932 people, it was 2.466 to parent-child pairs.

Rüdiger, they

Political correspondent in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

F. A. Z.

In the case of two persons is a parent with child – revealed by the PCR-Corona-Test, a positive result. A total of 64 persons of the antibody Test for Sars-Cov-2 was positive (1.3 percent), including 45 adults and 19 were children. In the case of the children between one and five years, the anti-body test was in seven cases positive for the children at the age of six to ten years, there were twelve cases. It was also found that children who were, during the pandemic peak phase in emergency care, a higher antibody frequency were as children who had been cared for by their parents at home.

Low evidence base

Whether the study findings for the pandemic policy in the schools are derived, is highly questionable: The study is not representative, but the only, baden-württemberg, participants were able to volunteer. Should participate only to persons without pre-diagnosed with Corona virus infection. To make statements about the Infection process in the family, two per PCR Test confirmed cases is too low. Such as infections in schools or day-care centres run, could not be studied because the Tests between the 22. April and 15. May, instead of no classes found, as in the southwest, more took place, and the nurseries offered only a limp-home mode. Decisive for the answer to the question, how contagious children in schools and daycare centers are, but is the virus load in the nose and throat. Many other factors, such as the lower cough emissions in the case of children, can play a role.

in this Regard, the virologist Christian Drosten of the Berlin Charité, had found that the virus load in children and adolescents was significantly lower than that in adults. Which statement by the rarer detection of antibodies in children are derived, is questionable: It could be that there may be a lot more kids, you lose the antibodies after a shorter time re-infected. Whether and what is the connection between the antibodies and the viral load, with the help of a Sars-Cov-2 infection was by were, is also still insufficiently researched.