On Wednesday want to the States of the broadcasting funding state contract, which provides for an increase in the contribution for the period 2021 to 2025 to 86 cents from $ 17.50 to 18,36 € per month. This contract is signed by all sixteen heads of government, also by Reiner Haseloff, Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt. The concerns especially of the CDU and the FDP were just for Show, a kink? Is the increase in the contribution under the roof?

Markus Short, the media policy spokesman of the CDU in Saxony-Anhalt, assured that his parliamentary group had not changed their opposition and Prime Minister Haseloff will accompany his signature with a note for the minutes, in which he explains, to have a consent to not have a parliamentary majority. Short refers to the coalition agreement between the CDU, the SPD and the Greens which States: “In the financing of public broadcasting, we are maintaining the objective of contribution stability.”

have Repeatedly in the past few months, both the head of government as well as the chief of the state Chancellery, Rainer Robra, made it clear that this requirement was out of date. In addition, such a Short wool send, with the rejection of a Signal to all country day, more of their function and funding of public broadcasting to critically examine.

Additional financial burden

Because the Left group in the state Parliament of Saxony-Anhalt is arguing against a contribution increase, could the CDU and the Left to reach a vote on the state contract, a majority – even without the AfD, which wants to evaporation, the system of public broadcasting. The SPD and the greens in Saxony-Anhalt in favour of a contribution increase.

In Saxony, now, after a vote last week, the CDU group in the Position of their Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer, co-ordinates the broadcasting policy of the CDU-led countries and for an increase in the contribution rate occurs. However, with reservations and a clear claims. Andreas Nowak, media policy spokesman of the CDU in the Saxon Parliament, calls on the countries to promptly take the long-announced Reform of the public broadcasting service, associated with a Change in the order, in attack. The Saxon CDU expect that the associated changes have a significant effect on the costs, and by 2025, no further increase should be made.

In Thuringia, the CDU has made, according to the spokesperson of the group, no decision for or against an increase. The majority in the CDU have group concerns whether an increase in the face of the burdens of the citizens through the Corona of a pandemic, be represented politically. The Thuringian CDU, criticised the lack of saving efforts by the public broadcaster.