Emanuel Buchmann has its Grand ambitions at this year’s Tour de France (29. August to 20. September) affirms. “The overall victory is not impossible. Why not? Last year I was Fourth, I want to improve every year. This year, the Podium is the goal,“ said the 27-Year-old Buchmann on this Tuesday in training camp with the Cycling house Bora-hansgrohe in the Ötztal valley.

With the prospective occupation of his team due to the Corona pandemic at the end of August suspended the tour de France, the native Ravensburger is satisfied: “We have an extremely strong Team. We have a lot of guys for the mountains. We can achieve some“. Buchmann, who completed last in the framework of a Charity action of the “Everest Challenge,” said, in the light of the corona break the competition, be the judge of that situation in the Tour difficult.

The crew of Bora-hansgrohe is tailored in this year, definitely more on him than classification riders. Only the three-time world champion Peter Sagan (Slovakia) gets a special role. In addition to Buchmann also Maximilian chess man and Youngster are provided Lennart Kämna than other German in the eight-member Team for the tour de France. Other riders in the Tour line-up, with Daniel Oss (Italy), Felix major schartner, Gregor Mühlberger and Luke Pöstlberger (all Austria). Chess man was not originally planned for the Tour Team, changed after the postponement of the Olympic games but his race program.

Sagan is to provide a another Green Jersey, the 30-Year-old has already won seven Times in the points classification, and record the winner. The Radstar from Slovakia will also go at the Giro d’italia at the Start and some of the time miss the same classic.

“We want to take the next step. The next step for the Podium, and then we’ll see. Who thought last year that he can pull over close to the Podium,“ said team Manager Ralph Denk with a view on the chances of Buchmann to start in the course of the season, at the tour of Spain.