The English soccer player Marcus Rashford has provided an open letter to British members of Parliament to ensure that children from poor families during the school holidays, meal vouchers. The 22-Year-old had stressed in the letter of Monday, he was shit as a child to the free school and the local Food Bank have been instructed. He appealed therefore to the policy, not to help performance. On Tuesday, the British government agreed to.

the Affected families had received during the Output restriction imposed by the Coronavirus-crisis vouchers and aid packages. In Scotland and Wales, support should be continued, in England, the government wanted to set the measure with the start of the school holidays. After Rashfords letter to the claims after a continuation, however, were getting louder and louder. Finally, the government announced that 1.3 million children affected in the six weeks holiday, free meals at school.

“I don’t know what to say,” wrote Rashford on Tuesday on Twitter. “So you see, what we can achieve when we unite, this is England in the year 2020.” Man United praised Rashford for his commitment. “To Be A Hero. A Source Of Inspiration. One of us. We are so proud of you,“ tweeted the English football record champion.