The Federal Association of liberal professions (BFB) expects a significant reduction in this and in the coming year. In spite of the billion heavy rescue package of the Federal government, the situation in the Wake of the Corona-crisis, for many freelancers is extremely difficult, said BFB-President Wolfgang Ewer, the “Handelsblatt”. “After the first Set had to be dismantled, are at least 400,000 more jobs in danger.” Especially young companies in need of help, so that the start-up culture is not injured in Germany in a sustainable way.

A representative survey among 2600 professionals in the member associations showed that almost every third freelancer of the resulting economic damage existence is threatening. This is also mirrored in the substantial decline in orders of more than 50 percent of that, every third freelancer list. Also for the coming year, many freelancers expect, therefore, no lightening, and expect a reduction in staff, especially in the case of companies with between ten and 49 employees.

The survey was collected according to the report, between mid-may and mid-June and evaluated so at a time, to the loosening derCorona measures in view.