even Though she needs for the Corona-rescue programs, just a lot of money, the state development Bank KfW, for the time being no more funds in the capital market. In a note to investors, she writes, that they hold back already since mid-April, with larger transactions. This is remarkable, because the development Bank is one of the most important European issuers of fixed income securities and with your so-called Benchmark bonds, the benchmark for other track sets. Many investors appreciate the Bank with their state guarantees in the Background as a safe haven.

Tim Kanning

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

In the light of the uncertainties in the global financial markets and in terms of the economic impact of the Covid-19-pandemic, the KfW have increased their flexibility, in order to get the necessary liquidity, – stated in the message. Currently, the Bank has due to its prudent liquidity management using a “robust liquidity position”.

in fact, the KfW is early in the year with a lot of capital and bonds in 14 different currencies 35 billion euros. Three-quarters of it came in about four Euro and a Dollar Benchmark bond. Thus, it has taken almost half of the entire year’s planned $ 75 billion.