Bayer Leverkusen calls from the German football Association (DFB), the development of a hygiene concept in order to Fans to allow the Cup final. “I would hope that 5000 spectators would be allowed per club. We expect the DFB, he developed a concept for the Cup final, so in the end, at least a portion of our Fans can be,” said Leverkusen’s managing Director Fernando Carro, the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”.

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the 55-Year-old would be the DFB-Pokal final, in this regard, “a good Test for next season.” Would have to sign off on the concept at the end of “the policy. This decision, we would bow to us, of course. But the policy can only decide if a good concept is presented.“ The Association would be, according to Carro ready “to assist the DFB in this challenging task.” Leverkusen had last week in the semi-finals of the regional League club 1 FC Saarbrücken 3:0 by set. In the second encounter of the penultimate round of the FC Bayern beat Eintracht Frankfurt with 2:1.

the former Bundesliga-Manager Reiner Calmund would be about the spectators at the Cup final to look forward to. “The Cup final would be a good turning point, because you have to take big risks. A Cup final between Bayern and Leverkusen, with spectators in the stands would be a good Signal,” said the 71-Year-old in an Interview to the news portal “”. “Of course, only taking into account all the conditions have now been complied with the policy loosening,” said the former Manager of heavyweight.

Also, Bayer Director of sport Rudi Völler had expressed the appropriate hope. In the “giant stadium” could you put “a small sign,” said Völler: “I’m a bit of an Optimist and have not given up hope yet that we may have a few spectators in the process. But the politicians decide.“ Bayern coach Hansi Flick expressed scepticism: “I don’t know if the can now be to the extent that in Berlin, possibly viewers. I can’t imagine it, almost,“ said the 55-Year-old.

According to current legislation, could only be a few Hundred spectators in the Berlin Olympic stadium and the meet only under very strict, for a football game logistically difficult to pads. “It’s the containment measures regulation: section 4 of the events, gatherings, get-togethers and gatherings as before; in connection with § 1 of the regulation on the prohibition of large-scale events. I don’t think we can set us as a sports administration,“ said a spokesman for Berlin’s interior administration on request.

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According to the Corona-regulation may, despite the ban on public events from the 30. June 2020, “other events and meetings” under the open sky with up to 1,000 people in the capital take place. Minus the cadres and delegations of the finalists as well as media representatives, one Hundred seats remained, therefore, only a few in the Arena, which usually more than 74,000 visitors in the space. The visitors, among other things, a presence of documentation would have to be merged with information about the contact tracing, which would have to be made rules in the case of an admission control under the standard distance. According to the Berlin Senate, Federal government is to push for the Fans in the stadium of the German football-as organisers of the train. Requested, the Association had so far “a game without spectators,” it said of the authority.