A family conflict on a large scale. Sentenced in Belgium and imprisoned in France, Rokia Traoré has joined the Mali in early march to “go home”, she said on Tuesday in an interview in Paris . The diva international has been under investigation for “abduction and sequestration” by a judge in brussels. She would have knowingly ignored successive decisions ordering that the custody of his five year old daughter, entrusted to his father, the playwright flemish Jan Goossens, director general of the Festival de Marseille.

read also : Rokia Traoré, the Malian cosmopolitan

sole custody that Rokia Traoré challenged to “protect” her daughter. The singer has filed a complaint for “touching” against her ex-boyfriend in Belgium, in France and in Mali. “I never prevented my ex-boyfriend to see or have her daughter. He has filed a complaint against me that when I talked to him about touching on our child”, she explains. But the belgian justice has closed the case and issued a european arrest warrant in spite of a letter of assignment signed by the malian government and of his diplomatic passport. The diva was arrested march 10, 2020 at Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle airport while she was in Belgium to appear freely before the court of appeal of Brussels.

Imprisoned in the prison of Fleury-Mérogis in full-blown epidemic world, Rokia Traoré has been released under judicial control in view of his surrender to the belgian authorities and has decided, without permission, to return to his country home where lives his daughter. She believes that the whole of the judicial proceedings until his arrest in France “is a huge injustice” and that the justice of the belgian act of racism and misogyny. “Do you want that I tell you about how I was treated in custody, the way in which the magistrates have sent to me, how I was handcuffed, unconscious, on my hospital bed during an attack of tetany, guarded by three officers in a police custody in Belgium…”.

read also : The singer Rokia Traoré released under judicial control

The singer denounces, above all, a legal decision taken by a country where neither his daughter, nor father, and neither she does live. “I don’t think that the belgian courts would have behaved as well with an Italian living in Italy alongside his children.” For Rokia Traoré, his return to Mali has nothing to do with a leak, for the simple reason that she did not hide. “A leak is assumed to leave a place to go and hide elsewhere. I just could not bear the idea of waiting to be extradited in Belgium, withholding thousands of miles from home, my kids only 5 and 14 years, in a period of full containment in a context of a pandemic, international with a school system upset justifies the singer. I suffered and déprimais.”

according To Le Parisien, a new warrant of arrest against the artist has been requested by the prosecutor general of the court of appeal of Paris on may 19. The court of cassation considers, for its part, on Tuesday an appeal against his extradition. A case is still far from over.

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