The development of a vaccine against the Coronavirus is more happiness than the development of a Tracing App. The digital warning is supposed to be released this Tuesday, at a time, not more clear the urgency of many potential users already. The impression has been strengthened that the epidemic could not be so bad, if a Warning the App should not contain many functions, which would be a meaningful fight necessary.

In the first place, there would have been the support of the health authorities are, by chains of Infection can be detected much faster than with conventional means is possible. The needs of the Offices were but at the beginning of the App development; you had to wait in line at the very back. The privacy is an absolute priority.

the risks and side effects

you can find a good one, but creators of a strange Alliance between power-Fear and Corona-deniers led, the suspect behind every mobile phone mast in a digital Erich Honecker. Will the vaccine also? Developments which used to last for good reasons, for many years, should now go whoopee-place.

It is good, if the state is involved in the tübingen-based biotech engineer Curevac – the long-term security for research, testing and manufacturing. Top priority, however, must have the health of those who want to be vaccinated one day, without the risks and side effects.