The next academy awards ceremony has been postponed by two months because of the outbreak of coronavirus and is now scheduled for the 25th of April, announced on Monday the Academy of arts and sciences of the cinema, which presents the prestigious awards.

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The 93rd edition of the Oscars was originally to take place on February 28, but the epidemic of Covid-19 has caused the closure of cinemas and upset the schedule of hollywood productions. The Academy has also extended the period of release of movies eligible for Oscars, which passes from the December 31, 2020 February 28, 2021.

She hopes to “give filmmakers the flexibility to complete and release their films without being penalized,” explain the managers of the Academy in a press release.

award Ceremony virtual ?

No decision has yet been taken on whether the Oscars will take place in front of her audience of stars usual or will discount the price “virtual”. “We are in uncharted territory this year and we will continue to work with our partners in the Academy to ensure that the show next year for sure”, points out to his side, Karey Burke, president of ABC, which broadcasts this evening lighthouse of Hollywood.

The report announced Monday, addresses the concerns of many film professionals who feel that the films released in 2020 would be too few in number to allow a selection to be solid. The Oscars have already been deferred in the past, as in 1938 after flooding in Los Angeles, after the assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968 and the assassination attempt made against president Reagan in 1981. But never the ceremony had been shifted more than a week.

the inauguration of The museum of the Oscars, the construction of which is nearing completion in Los Angeles, has also been postponed by the Academy. The site, which was to be presented to the public on December 14th, opens finally its doors on April 30, 2021, in the wake of the 93rd edition of the Oscars.

read also : The Oscars will establish the criteria of diversity for the films éligibles4 commentairesbramantele 16/06/2020 at 07:49

We could give it to 2050, to see if our descendants want again …
this event in political and financial lobbies has nothing to do with art

Ber nanosle 16/06/2020 00:26

turnips rewarded by a battalion of leftists that do not interest me more….

BriceDeNicele 15/06/2020 22:23

Houlalalala it will not fail me

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