The national ombudsman of energy had never recorded such a high number of disputes. In its annual report published this morning, Olivier Challan Belval announces a strong increase in disputes received by its services: 22.807 in 2019 against 16.934 in 2018, representing an annual increase of 35%, and 85% from 2016.

read also : Report of the energy ombudsman: the disputes between consumers and operators have jumped nearly 40% since 2016

The causes are multiple: “a more intense activity on the competitive market, the deployment of smart meters, which can be indicative of problems earlier, an increase in the awareness of the mediator and the failures encountered by some energy companies, including Eni, in the relationship they have with their clients”.

The rate of litigation of the various suppliers in France, national Ombudsman of energy

The Italian group won the palme, with an average rate of 329 disputes for 100,000 contracts, far ahead of its competitors (96 in Engie, 93 in Total Direct Energy or 39 in EDF) and the average rate of 72. The main reason for the disputes is the dispute of the level of consumption charged, followed by the terminations unexplained. Eni alone represents nearly 1 litigation 5 received in 2019,” underlines the ombudsman.

“advancing the practices of the actors of the sector”

“It is not normal that the national ombudsman of the power to be seized of so many disputes that could have, and especially had to, be resolved without my intervention if the operators of the energy sector had applied strictly the rules and procedures that apply to them,” said in a press release, Olivier Challan Belval, the mediator.

He calls to “advancing the practices of the actors of the sector, including Eni, but also the manager of the electricity distribution network Enedis, which he said sometimes struggle to get information.

The editorial team conseilleLe energy Ombudsman is concerned about a rise in unpaid invoices in 20197 commentairesOskar Lafontainele 16/06/2020 at 02:09 am

gas prices have plunged since a year, but the “war of tariffs” is raging hard between electricity suppliers and the meter LInky does not referee anything, but complicates the situation; moreover, the poverty increases and the price of electricity, leaded in France by nuclear power still more expensive, as long it falls in ruins, and it complicates the relationships between suppliers and consumers and small cheaters, motivated by the poverty that rises, and which would, in changing supplier, do not pay the backlog of their previous vendor-supplier of current, multiply the litigation, often in bad faith.The self-consumption of electricity, produced by solar panels, in concert with the storage which will become more widespread, will come only at the end of this situation fundamentally unhealthy “war on cheaters”, made possible by the unique network of distribution of electricity, it will therefore be appropriate to delete the network, which does more than increase the rates, while ruining our health at all, by its electromagnetic fields are induced, which rose from calamitous meter Linky.

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