Actually, Mike Pompeo wanted to come in person to Brussels to his colleagues meeting of the foreign Ministers from the European Union. For March, it was planned, but then the Coronavirus made the plans a dash through the bill. On Monday, the us Secretary of state, was switched on then at least via Video.

Thomas Gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, Nato and the Benelux countries, based in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

The debate was sorely needed, because the list of issues that divide both sides, has become only longer. Last Washington had pushed its partners with the outlet from the world health organization and sanctions against the International criminal court, in front of the head. In Germany, threats of fines because of the Nord Stream Baltic sea Pipeline 2 on a lack of understanding. Far too many topics for one and a half hours, which had been scheduled for the interview.

For Europeans the middle East peace process at the top of the list. From 1. July wants to advise the Israeli Cabinet about the annexation of the Jordan valley, and more than a hundred settlements in the West Bank. The framework for President Donald Trump has at the end of January to set his Plan under the title of “peace prosperity”. Most EU States rejected the Plan at the time, but the EU was not able to do that with one voice, because Hungary and Austria were cross.

The EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell could make out after the exchange with Pompeo only a positive Element in the American foray: back on the peace process, will speak. But the Europeans want to bring the Israelis and Palestinians to the table. A “credible and meaningful political process” is necessary, as Borrell. The could, however, be conducted only in accordance with the provisions of the “internationally agreed parameters” for the peace process. Part of this is that there must be boundary changes only with the consent of the Palestinians, and that retain a coherent, viable region. Both Trumps the Plan in question.

foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) was brought into the meeting a “multilateral Format” into the conversation. It would make him happy, “even if the colleague from Washington would be ready”, he said before the conference. The non-expressed, of course, to more. Maas reported that he had urged during his recent visit to Israel and Jordan that the Palestinian side make a concrete proposal for Negotiation. The weight of the EU was “high enough to play a role”. Unilateral steps would destabilize the security architecture in the Region “significantly”.

Pompeo, in turn, China, that brought to the language. The American government calls for support for a hard line against Beijing. Pompeo is one of the hawks. “We must all be the threat of the Chinese Communist party for our way of life aware,” he said on Sunday in a speech at a conference of the American Jewish Committee. Also, the EU sees China as a “systemic rivals”. But this is only one of the three dimensions. Beijing is also an economic competitor and multilateral partners, for example in the area of climate protection. The States seek to bring all three dimensions in Balance – also, the interest differences between them balanced. Seventeen States have joined the Initiative for a “New silk road”.