Marie Papenkort, social worker and Baby masseuse, and Manuela Apitzsch, who is studying Marketing and Management and also in elementary education has been specialized, are Friends since high school. Together, they have founded the Mabyen Spa & Care GmbH, a Baby Spa in Düsseldorf. Your concept with the aim of strengthening the Bonding between parent and child and to show, how one can communicate without language with infants followed.

It is also accompanied mothers with course offerings such as pregnant massage and Yoga. The courses run a children’s nurse, a Baby masseuse and a midwife. The founders of a relaxed atmosphere is important. However, the work with children could be loud. Children are the most “honest customers”, they showed directly, if something displeases.

Massage The core offering consists of Floating and Baby. A treatment lasts between 30 and 55 minutes. The Floating costs 23 euros, a Baby-Massage unit in the small group is 30 euros, an Exclusive application for 51 Euro. The Floating takes place in small hot tubs. The babies should be given the feeling of weightlessness that they have experienced in the womb. It should sense the balance as well as Gross and fine motor skills. A neck-mounted floating ring holds the baby to the surface of the water.

Vegan skin care

Mabyen was in Germany the only Baby Spa with the core products of Floating and Baby Massage, says Apitzsch. Belongs to the brand Mabyen the vegan “Care”-care series for babies also. It includes, among other things, skin oils, teas, and textiles such as children’s bathrobes. The products are also marketed through the drugstore chain DM.

a Youtube Video Apitzsch has been to a Baby Spa in London to your attention. She was there on an internship and convinced your girlfriend to establish such a company in Germany. Your Spa was opened in September 2016. In 2017, the founder appeared in the Vox TV show “die höhle der Löwen” and were able to convince Investor Judith Williams of your care series. The “lioness” invested 125,000 euros and 51 percent of the company received shares, as Apitzsch reported. 2018 was generated for the first time, a six-digit annual sales; also in 2019 he was six digits.