At best, the project has combined for work-up of sexual abuse in the diocese of Limburg Concerned. After he had read the documentation from hundreds of pages, he said: “Many of the recommendations should actually be Standard.” In fact. Anyone who reads the analysis and the advice of the 70 experts, fluctuates between the Council and bewilderment about the handling of the diocese in the past few decades with this important theme.

In a mixture of arbitrariness and sausage durability rank high Responsible, but also ordinary Church employees are part of completely irresponsible behavior. By the spirit of God, not a trace. Push away, not want to see, don’t worry – this seems often to be the mission statement been.

list of shortcomings is long.

Instead of transparent, and consistently with the people’s enemy abuse deal, it was individuals easy to cover up many cases. A lack of communication, no Supervision for a priest, there is no systematic control, insensitive dealing with Concerned, not a regular employee discussions. The list of defects is long. Of the-not the diocese-specific large-scale construction sites such as mandatory celibacy, not to mention sexual morality, and clericalism quite.

What have selected the experts on behalf of the diocese, is a slap in the face for the “System Church”. More. The recommendations force a restart of the system at key Points. Just to mention a few: training of priests, responsibility, ethics, equality, respect, sense of guilt, sensitivity, openness, permanent Questioning and learning.