Rather play a little than not at all play, thought Oliver Reese, artistic Director of the Berliner ensemble, and Ulrich Khuon, Intendant of the Deutsches theater in Berlin. And so take advantage of the last days of the expiring season, in order to finally direct contact with the audience – and although, due to the pandemic circumstances under the open sky. Both houses have performances of favourable conditions for Open-Air: The Berliner Ensemble has a beautiful courtyard with chestnut trees, for the Johanna Meyer, a small stage with green, expressionistic fragmented rear wall has designed. On the quiet, wide forecourt of the German theater, a black pedestal in the velvet black of the back wall serves as a stage.

Here is how you can buy something to eat and to drink, wash their hands or disinfect. Each of the fifty chairs are to be installed with safety distance, the intake staff will be wearing face masks and scans contactless tickets which can be purchased exclusively via the Internet. The circumstances remind vague tract to a visit to the high security, and yet the audience is happy that finally the Theater is played.

The Vienna war of Baal of all time

the artist beams. In the Berliner Ensemble, the actors and Actresses for almost three weeks without a Gage on the outside with Pieces from the Repertoire, with musical scenes, with funny, partly improvised Miniatures. The beginning of Stefanie made Reinsperger with a highly whimsical Paraphrase of Bertolt Brecht’s “Baal”. In a staging of the play of Ersan moon day of September, 2019, and she holds the title role.

The near-by Vienna-born actress calls her Performance “Bussi BaBaal – Once Baal to go”, and here occurs in it at least of the articulation, and Intonation as the Vienna war of Baal of all time. Stefanie Reinsperger, which maintains their figures reached full of unleashed energy, the stuffed Zebra out of the original equipment with it. It is located on the front of the stage, it is based sometimes your feet like a big game hunter on it. Hardly takes an hour for your demonstration. She giggles and flirts and sings, and suddenly noticed, that “it is very lonely up here”. The Reinsperger sets a furious Brecht-declamation on the boards of the court theatre and a celebration of passionate vocal artistry into the microphone. Your “Bus BaBaal” is on the slanted, buxom circus number, and it works almost as well as the birds in the branches with her would always be louder and more enterprising.