Hardly anyone brought it so the language is as eloquent as Friedrich Hölderlin. On such artful speechlessness to respond, has provoked has always been a painter and sculptor. With non-linguistic means. In the Park of Bad Homburg Reimers-Stiftung, five abstract sculptures of the Oberursel artist Anja Harms and Eberhard Müller are now see-Frieszu, which can be understood as a book-sculptures in the landscape, each with two open covers of a book, whose Cover but QR Codes are modeled. Thanks to this, in 1994, developed technology, information can be via Smartphone or Tablet by using the appropriate App captures the pattern that is actually a string. This can also do the visitors to this exhibition in the outdoor space, because at the foot of the sculptures, QR Codes, the individual lines of the late Hölderlin are-poem on the devices spells.

Michael Holzer

culture editor of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The broken surfaces, but they are not alone on the QR Code Aesthetics, which is easy with abstract random creations to be confused and their own formal quality claims, but in a deeper sense, to the literary art of Hölderlin. As the concrete Fragment with the beginning of the line would be first of all “If on the vineyard, it flares up”, to which the five-piece Installation. But it also reflects what the 1800’s, the resulting poetry of Hölderlin is characterized, in General, the pursuit of clear, substantive, and formal setting on the one hand, the enigmatic character, the search movement, the empty spaces on the other.

The fragmentary occurs with a force of light

As the Hölderlin words rank and about forms of poetic structures to his manuscripts recognize that D. E. Sattler presented in the “Frankfurt edition” as facsimiles. In the meticulous transcription of Hölderlin’s manuscripts of many works, such as graphical formations, or constructs a wild concrete poetry, in which every idea of a single editor’s form dissolves work. All the variants are visible, the thought to have to do it with something Completed, prohibits self, the fragmentary occurs with a force of light, and this corresponds to the procedure at least by the author of hymns such as “Patmos,” or “souvenir”, which was the Preliminary of his work, consciously and, by contrast, kept to be edited to what happened to his chagrin, however, nevertheless.

The Dense as a dynamic process that is analogous to the search for truth, which leads in the same way, at most, preliminary results: especially, the power, the modernity of Hölderlin was, apart from its future-oriented bold imagery ends, you only have to think of the “dark light”. It was to do with him always around, to not take him to poetic forms engine, which blew up all the usual conventions. It has long been undisputed that he played a major role in the formation of German idealism with its rival in terms of systems. It culminated in Hegel’s “logic” that wanted to offer their title, in Spite of, a solution for the basic problems discussed once the study friends Schelling, Hegel and Hölderlin at the Tübinger Stift, and in the common Frankfurter time of Hölderlin and Hegel in the conversation between the two once more, the urgency on the subject were.

The will to the Form

It was the Association of each other strut of life trends. And, in addition, of opposites, which determine the ratio of I and world. As the “resolution of dissonance in a certain character” Hölderlin describes his project in the Preface to his epistolary novel “Hyperion”. The Ideal was the “All-unity”. In the resulting poems, however, and, still more, in the extant “fragments” seems to add a unit to what it wants to force the Poet to dispar breath together. The will to Form and the impossibility to say in it, which would be to say: In this tension, the late poetry of the poet, arose, in part, in Homburg moves, wherever he was from Frankfurt, fled. A recurring Reflex in his life. He felt offended and misunderstood in the house of the banker Gontard, who had noticed that it had come between his wife, Susette, and the tutor Hölderlin to an approach. The master of the house asked the steward to talk, let him at least feel that he was in his eyes nothing more than a impertinenter Domestike.

The Poets came in 1798 in a Homburg to his friend Isaac von Sinclair, was at the Landgrave’s court and wandered regularly to Frankfurt to clandestine Meetings with his Beloved. He remained until the year 18oo in the Region, and returned for an extended stay in 1804, there. So it’s no wonder that Bad Homburg is one of the centres in which this year, on the occasion of its 250. Birthday were planned a number of events. Because of the Corona-crisis exhibition openings were cancelled, readings, and musical events are postponed, but now the program for the anniversary year, with some restrictions on travel. The exhibition in the Park of the Reimers-Stiftung is one of them. It is up to 31. October weekdays from 10 to 17 clock in Bad Homburg to visit On the wingertsberg 4,.