Of the major parties will lock only the SVP with hands and feet against the CO2-law. However, you do not want to shoulder the Referendum alone, as party President Albert Rösti (52, BE) says. “In the ideal case, we are able to launch the Referendum against the act on CO2 in a non-partisan Committee.” He could well imagine, for example, that the Young liberals are ready for it.

The leadership in the vote fight, he wants to distribute to several organizations. “From my point of view, it is desirable that the SVP will take over the Lead. And I am optimistic that directly affected associations will be there.” If necessary, will take up his party, but the leadership, “no question,” says the Bernese Oberland.

mitigation Initiative is a priority

to be Clear: The SVP grueling months ahead. So the campaign for the relief Initiative (BGI) is on the run. Supporters and opponents will make ready for the most important vote of the legislature. Binding forces, especially in the case of the SVP. And this is a lack of resources elsewhere. So it seems likely that a Referendum against the bridge is the absence of benefits for older unemployed people, the Parliament decided with a view to the BGI. “The content of a Referendum against the override of benefits is certainly correct,” says Roesti. “But as a party we need to set priorities: in The summer and autumn, when the voting campaign for the relief Initiative.”

The SVP-chief looks at the bridging benefits, the employers ‘ associations in the duty. But the Swiss employers ‘ Federation supports the decision of the councils, as he emphasized again this week.