Even bigger than the helplessness only indignation was. A half years ago, in December 2018, had the greens and the Left see the slight majority of the SVP and the FDP in the national Council expressed in the debate about the CO2-law to your line. And the template paragraph to paragraph so diluted. At the end of the left-leaning green camp, the template disappointed in the expectation, that the Council of States would take corrective action. And in the hope of a new majority after the elections.

But what would happen next, the Green would have dared to dream. Inspired by a Swedish Teenager, thousands of young people took to the streets to demonstrate in the case of Wind, rain and sunshine for a cause that was long been known, but little sexy, and, therefore, the policy successfully ignored: climate change. Or, in the words of the adolescents: the climate catastrophe.

The climate of demos culminating in 2019 in a green wave. The Green rose in the elections, 6.1 percent, and tripled their seats in Parliament from twelve to 33. It was a climb, as it had given him in Switzerland, never. And even the Greens were caught on the ground.

This week, nearly nine months later, the harvest of the party now, the first fruits of their electoral triumph: The national Council has adopted a new CO2-law. This provides for a flight ticket tax, a surcharge on the petrol price up to twelve cents, as well as a reduction in emissions domestically by at least 75 percent. All proposals, which would come through in the old Parliament never.

opinion of the Greens has loose weight

Accordingly, cleaned up, walked national councillor Balthasar Glättli (48, ZH) say on Thursday by the spacious, some of the “face” of the Bernese Expo halls, where the Parliament is currently meeting in the exile. In those halls, so Glättli grins given the vote a moment ago satisfied and is called the CO2-law as an “important Milestone”. Only to immediately to not push that the current template is not sufficient, because: “in Order to meet the Paris climate goals, it takes twice as much effort.”

Thus, the long-standing group President, from next Saturday a new party leader and currently the happy is functional on-the-go brings the Dilemma of the Greens to the point: The party is so powerful as never before in its nearly 40-year history, and still remains in the Opposition.

their new-found Power in the fact that the national Council group of the Green is larger than those of the FDP; a thought, to the self-Glättli have to get used to. And that you have eternal Junior is no longer in the left-hand bearing partner, but with a vote share of 13.2 percent, within sight of the social Democrats, with 16.8 percent.

At once the opinion of the Greens, therefore, has weight. This is not more evident in the parliamentary commissions, where the Green just one, but up to four members. Instead of standing as once, alone, fighting a losing battle, to take councillors, the Greens-national and national councils of influence on the debate. As in the case of the Corona-AIDS for hire Business, where an agreement without the Green would not have become possible, such as party President Regula Rytz (58, BE) holds. “We have to defend the compromise against criticism from the left, and him successfully in the Council of States carried,” says Rytz.

in The end it’s about Power

in Addition, the party in 2019 is to grow in the Council of States on size of group requested. “As a result, we can exploit the possibilities of the two-chamber system,” says Rytz. “This means that, Once we feed solutions via the Council of States, sometimes we see in the national Council of the better chances.”

Also associations and management interest in the opinion of the Green parliamentarians and lobby for their votes, such as party President Aline Trede (36, BE) amused notes. “The Corona-aid package for the Sport for example, I turned the management of some critical issues,” recalls Trede. “Then you invited me to explain.” Earlier, however, the from Berne, “‘d forgotten the administration, perhaps, easy to answer my questions.”

But the Greens are still not a party like all the others. You access to the top, to the Swiss Federal Council is missing. Particularly painful was the parliamentarians during the lock downs aware of, as the state government on running meter Decisions single-handedly made. While other parties were able to obtain on the management of informal information, remained on the Green, this channel is blocked. But also in the political life of the facilitated access to the Administration will help: It is far more effective to influence a business in the start-up phase than in the Parliament on the target line Changes to bring in.

The Lack of a private Federal Council wants to tackle Glättli. “We will go in the case of any vacancy in the Federal Council about the books, and a candidacy test,” he says. To add that he, personally, would compete in any Federal Council election. “The party but is now in a kind of task force that we can draw for the case of vacancies immediately, three, four well-qualified candidates.” To correct the non-representation of the Greens in the Federal Council, be one of the goals of his presidency. This Glättli know at least the statistics are on his side. Since the Existence of the magic formula, the composition of the Federal Council represented the population never so bad: Currently, 31 percent of voters are not represented in the government.

But, in the end, it goes in Bern, not to mathematics, but about Power. The white also Glättli. In addition to the Federal Council seat he calls for other objectives: in addition to the core subject of the environment, he would like to put a focus on digitization. An area in the Parliament at least as much perseverance is called for as in the case of the Federal Council question. But it will be the Latter of the Era Glättli will need to be measured. The Chance of Green is historical. The height also.