Katharina Althaus (24) can hardly believe it. “This is sure to be unforgettable,” says the three-times world champion. On 3. March 2021, it should fight be to the extent, then, the women of the North may or may not-world Cup in Oberstdorf (De) for the first time on the large hill medals. This, the organizers announced last week.

It would be a further step in the direction of equality. Because the history of women’s ski jumping is characterised by discrimination and Macho posturing. Flashback. In the 90s, the ski world was the Federation FIS against the women’s ski jumping. It could shoot the athletes “at the landing, the uterus torn,” said the President, Gian Franco Kasper, the legend. In the new Millennium, a change in thinking took place gradually. Even if only slowly.

in 2009, were the women at the world Championships in Liberec (CH) for the first time from the normal hill to participate. At the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver (Ka), but they still remained outside. A canadian court refused at that time, a lawsuit filed by 15 women ski Jumpers. So the women had to wait another four years until Sochi 2014.

flight up to 200 meters

That women can fly far, proved to Daniela Iraschko-Stolz (36). The Austrian ski pioneer ventured jumps, even on the Flight. They sailed in 2003 at the Kulm 200 meters far. Unofficial World Record. “I hope that I have achieved for the whole of women’s sport a bit. We Dirndl can be said as good as the boys”, at that time.

another part of victory were now able to gain Iraschko and co. But the ski jumps, the women in the race is still being denied. That 2021 can jump in Oberstdorf, is a Swiss ski jumper on the big hill to the medals, by the way is almost impossible. In the last season and jumped with him in the world Cup.