In many European cities, has been demonstrated on Saturday against racism. While German demonstrations in Stuttgart, Hamburg and Lübeck, with no intermediate cases were in London and in Paris to clashes with right-wing counter-demonstrators.

On the Trafalgar Square in London city centre clashed with two groups of about 100 people and were separated by the police. Some chanted “Black Lives Matter” (Black life), the other called racist remarks. In part, it came to fisticuffs; bottles and cans were thrown, fireworks ignited. The police used dogs and horses. According to the authorities, some of the participants had brought weapons to the demonstrations.

several statues in Westminster had gathered right-wing extremists, supposedly, to protect the monuments in front of the left vandalism. Also in the UK, anti-racist demonstrators had destroyed the last monuments that remind of personalities from the colonial history.

Many of London’s monuments were, as a precaution, it has been Packed, including a Statue of the former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, had written to someone last weekend, the word “racist”. In Parliament Square, hundreds of people in football jerseys, the “England, England” – shouted gathered. You “guarded” the London Cenotaph, a monument in honour of the Foreign soldiers.

The British home Secretary Priti Patel shared on Twitter a Video that shows how right-wing anpöbelten protesters police. She spoke of the “absolutely unacceptable violence”. Patel called on the protesters to go home, and to protect in the face of the Corona-pandemic “life”. Demonstrators from both Camps had slaughtered a distance of commandments.

In Paris, the police broke up because of the pandemic, a Demonstration of thousands of people who wanted to protest against racism. They were prevented from marching from Place de la République to the Opera. The police pointed to the existing prohibition of large-scale events, and used tear gas.