The Federal government, criticized the American Plan, the German authorities and companies to demonstrate due to the planned Russian-German Baltic gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 with sanctions. As the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper learned at the foreign office, keeps you there are the possible criminal sanctions for “a serious intervention in the European energy security and the EU’s sovereignty”. Sanctions with extra-territorial effect to reject.

Markus Wehner

Political correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Konrad Schuller

Political correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The criticism refers to a bipartisan bill in the American Senate, in which Democrats and Republicans are calling for the existing sanctions against the operator of pipelay vessels for gas tubes on suppliers to expand, but also to service providers as well as authorities from the States involved. The German companies Eon and Wintershall could include, but also German approval authorities.

critics say that the Baltic sea cable is a pity the previous Gas transit countries Ukraine and Poland and Russia to create revenue for his wars in Ukraine, Libya and Syria.

a Leading member of the German Bundestag criticized America also. The defence policy spokesman of the SPD parliamentary group, Fritz Felgentreu, said that Washington is pursuing “hegemonic politics”. The Chairman of the Union in the foreign Affairs Committee Roderich Kiesewetter, accused America of “double standards”, because it imported a lot of Oil from Russia. “In order to Finance the (the Russian President) Putin much more than it does the Baltic sea Pipeline.”