A good part of the show, she is portrayed “economic stimulus package” referred to a century project for the German economy, the spread of optimism is due to: you See, that is to say, the government’s 130-billion-Euro, us can’t stop, it goes up again.

but the Strange thing is that this Confidence the industry has to offer industry, the Germany (still) shall not apply to: the automotive industry. On the economic sense of buying premiums is debatable. But why already generous subsidies for electric cars again increased, ecologically valuable internal combustion engines go out, however empty, would have to raise above all the SPD.

Abandoned instincts?

you, of all things, but in the message against the “car lobby”: the jobs of The industry and the suppliers are no matter, the main thing is, there are batteries to be manufactured. Also, the stimulus package will therefore be one of the many services of the government, which is not credited to the SPD.

the party Have left under the new leadership, completely the instincts? Not only you, who the IG Metall, after Sigmar Gabriel had restored the ratio to the years of the Schröder government in laborious small work. The SPD pushes on with their own clientele, the skilled worker, in front of the head.

It must come in a Green, the social Democrats (and his own party) to make it clear that the “oomph” going on in this case to the rear. Winfried Kretschmann, want, finally, to win elections. The SPD no longer asks desperately why you successful the. Quite simply, you don’t want it, apparently not.