The first low point in a state of emergency is, to this day. Or you can go in the Store again unloaded to the shelves over, the week-long scary empty stood for, and prior to that, scene of some of the truly creepy end-time experiences were? The storm on the toilet paper rolls, because it is necessary to remind today, of the virologists in the country, nor bring about talked been arranged. The hamster purchases came just about us.

Joachim Müller-Jung

editor in the features section, responsible for the area of “nature and science”.

F. A. Z. Twitter

And so it would have been made at the time figure it out what was going on in the minds of people, the panic purchases remained a mystery. Always toxic, the mood was. Some were trying to hoard the toilet paper, yet behind the shopping cart, arrested by the Security man. Who came through, was declared to be crazy. Looking back, there were not really many serious Attempts to interpret the Hoarding of toilet paper as a healthy behavior. Rather than a kind of headless startle response confused and unsolidarischer or, alternatively, micromanaging to traumatised companions.

it was, However, helped with kitchen psychology no. While the dealer started to demand exorbitant prices for toilet paper, and Ebay classifieds, the search messages are accumulated as “search of toilet paper, the best 4-ply. Have diarrhea, it is urgent“, the hamster buyers, and the rest of his doubts alone. Who is it gaga, or me? Technically, such questions go to the psychology, and in fact, experts from the universities of St. Gallen and Münster and at the Max-Planck-Institute for evolutionary anthropology, have searched during the exponential Phase of the pandemic, according to reputable answers. In the second half of March, they launched a web-based survey in three dozen countries, to find out what drives the toilet paper fools around the world.