Lufthansa will offer passengers before the flight, the possibility of Tests for the Coronavirus.

According to the “mirror” wants to put the parent company of the Airline Swiss in June or early July at the latest, at the German airports in Frankfurt and Munich, and the services available.

Virus-scan in cabins

In the test centers, which are operated by external partners, can have passengers on the Virus to examine. The result was, within four hours.

According to a Lufthansa spokesperson, the offer, especially to travelers who fly in countries that require the entry of a Corona Test is intended.

surcharge for the empty middle seat

Should pay for Economy customers on long-haul services reinforced the desire to have a free middle seat, is also considering the Lufthansa, the service after the example of her daughter, Eurowings, to introduce, however, available at a surcharge.

“cheap is not”, – quoted the “mirror” Lufthansa Board member Christina Foerster. (SDA/uro)