“After Räägne, chunnts go the ships,
soon After the vessels do Seichts,
In Switzerland, in Switzerland, in Switzerland.”

I like Peach Weber, and I like the rain. While many people grumble constantly about the weather and 33 different weather Apps to check, when it is finally better, I am grateful for all the Seich. Because it’s raining while I write this column, I’ve compiled a list of why I like it, if it räägnet:

It’s not so bad, if I water the Flowers on the balcony-time to forget (as a Chef Giesser, I’m always under pressure. The other day, I was two weeks for the balcony of my neighbors is responsible. A hanging plant was to me. I’m met almost as the leaves are withered, to the ground. And who was to blame? The Hitz!).

read on the Sofa without feeling guilty (okay, I’ve when the weather is nice. I’m not going to let the sun not the daily routine commands my. Similarly, I’m not going to let a chocolate soda manufacturers tell you how much cocoa I give in the milk, and do not need to Protest the whole bag. It au shoes to schoggig because!).

I am learning once more that I no Type am (because: If it’s raining, I’m not surprised mostly because I see just up from 33 Apps, what is expected of me. And if it shipped already, before I leave the house, I think even if I take a screen. For the following reason: I lose every screen. Last week, I tried again the Trick of 77 and took a expensive screen. In the hope that I carry the black, stately umbrella with leather more worry handle. Of due to. In the first Tram I had to hang the thing on the front seat).

I don’t have to go Hiking on the weekend is mandatory, even if you make the stop in Switzerland, (and if I go, then hats people much less, because of the 33 weather have discouraged Apps. So rejects, as I write these lines, my ready-Packed backpack on the table leg and waits until I aufschnalle him. We make a trip. And while the Gschpänli check again 33 weather Apps, and the rain idea, and clouds on your Smartphone to get upset, I’ll listen again:)

“After Räägne, chunnts go the ships,
soon After the vessels do Seichts,
In Switzerland, in Switzerland, in Switzerland.”