By this do not unfold according to a noise-Alternative questions, disclose also the reason why it never stays in a glass: because the desired effect to the required extent. You are apparently not the wine, but the alcohol in it. The question you need to ask yourself is not so: What kinds of reality, avert, there are still? But rather: What is my occasion, me always avert? The answer is: Either one is unhappy in work, unhappy in the relationship, or unhappy with themselves, which is mostly due to abuse issues in Childhood. These are the reasons why someone drinks too much. Because he can forget for a few hours, at a cost to him.
But this Pseudo-therapy has its price. First, it is highly unhealthy, and secondly, it solves not a single Problem, but creates another: It is apparently unwilling to face up to his life tasks, and developed an unholy skill to Dodge them. Now that you in front of your 40. Birthday are, you recognize, however, that you have half of your life more or less behind and it is time to take responsibility. For your mental state, your physical wellbeing, your career and your relationships, including those to himself. Sounds stuffy, and it is, but there is a Problem with Spies have, ultimately, only Spiesser. All other accept that you are not 20 anymore, find friends with whom you can have sober Fun, and create order in your life. You have the right to be happy. Alcohol consumption not only shows that you do properly use.