President, Donald Trump has done what he almost never does – he has bowed to the political pressure. He moves his first rally since the beginning of the Corona-lock downs a day, so that it takes place on “Juneteenth”, the primarily African-Americans in the slaves liberation commemoration. Instead of next Friday, he wants to occur a day later in the city of Tulsa in Oklahoma.

Andreas Ross

editor responsible for policy Online and Deputy editor for news.

F. A. Z.

“Many of my African-American friends and supporters have proposed to change the date out of respect for this holiday,” wrote Trump on Friday shortly before midnight on Twitter. “I have decided, therefore, to our rally on Saturday, the 20. June, to move, to respond to your request.“ In the midst of the protests against racism and police violence, many civil rights activists and democratic politicians had seen the place and date of the planned rally as a presidential provocation.

On the 19. June 1865 learned the slaves in the Texas town of Galveston from the end of the civil war and the defeat of the Confederacy; they were henceforth free. From the date of “June nineteeth” was the term “Juneteenth”; in the meantime, dozens of States experienced in the 19th century. June as the official day of remembrance, but it is only in recent times, individual enterprises have started their employees at the date of release. Tulsa is not, in turn, is symbolic of this, that it was with the “freedom” of African Americans in the reality after the civil war so far.

The town was one of the few places in the country, in which a black district prospered economically; as the center of a timidly emerging African-American financial economic Tulsas district Greenwood even the nickname wearing the “black Wall Street”. But 99 years ago, a white Mob attacked there, in part, from small aircraft, and destroyed the district. The estimates of the dead range between 75 to 300. The pictures from back then look like war footage bombed during cities.

“A Party for white racists”

the black Senator Kamala Harris had the most available Vice presidential candidate of the Democrats, Joe Biden, the Anger at trump’s announcement brought to the point: “This is not only a Wink to white supremacists – he’s throwing you a welcome party,” she wrote on Twitter. The more atypical it is for Trump, that he was now backing down. It indicates that he has received from within its own ranks a lot of warnings. The surveys were for the President not as bleak as is currently the case. The extent to which the President and his advisors, the symbolic importance of the date and place were aware of it, is uncertain.