Badi ?
Thomas Reutener:
This may be one of our regular customers have been. We play a lot of visitors in the seniors age, their social life here. Some of them are widowed. For the three months in which we had concluded were particularly hard.

Here, in the Cafeteria, I hear tell somebody to his colleagues: “Oh, no, our table is occupied!” There are also people who always want to swim in the same orbit. I can’t guarantee, but I have developed in the 22 years that I’m here now, have a certain understanding for those habits.

The Bad man

In Switzerland there are approximately 900 baths. Around a third of which is the Association of indoor and outdoor pools connected, the Thomas Reutener since 2019 presides. Since 22 years, he is the managing Director of the sports systems AG Wallisellen, belongs to, among other things, an outdoor and indoor swimming pool. The bathrooms have been adapted since the 1970s, continuously to the needs of the population, now have elaborate water slides, large pool, flat springs, a Spa, and a terraced, from the deep basins separated paddling pool. Reuteners secret tips for smaller bathrooms with a backdrop of the Alps are Free – to- air and indoor swimming pools in St. Moritz, Pontresina and Lenzerheide. The 58-Year-old from a previous marriage, two adult children.

We have a guest the living here. If you renew your annual subscription, you want to know how often they were here. For some, there are 340 days. This means that they are open seven days per week, and only then come, if we have closed due to Revision.

a Lot of families. Including parents with children, learn to swim our baby swimming from four months onwards is very popular. We offer per week 115 course-lessons, which are attended by around 1000 participants. From Aquafit to Crawl. For us, the Triathlon national team trained brothers with Nicola Spirig and the Salvisberg. Also they were super happy, as you are on 6. June back in your home-the bathroom could.

Per 10 square meters is now allowed for only one Person. This is not to say, however, that each always has this room to himself, but that we may have in the outdoor swimming pool with a surface area of 23’000 square meters to 2300 guests at the same time. In the indoor swimming pool with 2150 square meters, at the same time 215 guests are allowed. This does not limit us.

it applies to all, but can be on the road – not always adhered to. Touching someone while you are Swimming with the foot or the Hand, but not. Physical contact between adults swim side by side is prohibited.

The come in the bed to home closer to you than here.

wrong. Especially indoor pools are one of the purest places. The quality of the water is monitored constantly, and the floors are smooth and can be cleaned and disinfected. Wood and carpet flooring, there is not here. Since the Corona, we have shortened the intervals, in which we have to disinfect the handles again and the distance lines at the water slides included in the drawing.

on the one Hand, with the various mechanical filter systems, in which the water is pressed through small holes, through Sand and activated carbon or passed. Hair, fallen Pflästerli and smaller particles remain there. On the other hand, with chlorine, which kills viruses, bacteria and other germs.

he no longer is distributed in a way that is measurable. Children pee in comparison to adults, little with regard to the amount. Maybe a decilitre at a Time? Anyway, a vanishingly small amount compared to the more than 4000 litres of water with which the basins are filled.

Once-a-year in the case of the Revision, and otherwise we to run continuously in Relation to the bathers fresh water.

Per bather, we add a minimum of thirty litres of fresh water. In Switzerland provision. Each Time a guest goes through the turnstile in the entrance area, this happens automatically via computer control.

I was previously employed for many years as an engineer and Controller, but am an Alpha animal and will not let me like to say what I need to do, and how. I grew up in Wallisellen, went to school here and never lived in another place. The Badi I know, since I’m small, as a Student, I supported as a Badwache the lifeguard. As I saw with 35 years in the job advertisement for a managing Director, I knew right away that this is my opportunity to build something.

The Badi belongs to a Corporation and is not managed by the municipality, as is otherwise usual in Switzerland. This means that I need to earn money by developing the offer of constantly more. On the first floor we have today, for example, a large Spa area. We have so much – and grown – sometimes I felt like an architect.

I’m good with it, carry the work throughout the year, short-sleeved shirts and shorts in summer. If I have meetings in the open with people who wear suits, that looks weird. But the Look fits my Job. I represent leisure.

The outdoor pool behavior has changed. The visitors have become for example much more relaxed with regard to the Move, put on their bathing suits, sometimes at home or bind on the grass a Tüchli around the waist to tighten. The huge Umziehkabinen, in many Badis, would you build today.

We have such a model in our Shop. Up in the 80s prevailed in the Badis of the Swiss swimming caps-mandatory for all. Today they are almost only in the case of a known issue with floats. What has changed also: body hygiene of the people has become better. That one in the shower once or twice a day, used to be uncommon. And: The Smartphone has made it into the Badi.

The lifeguard will have more to do, because the parents are often distracted by their screens and see what your children are doing wrong. This is extremely dangerous. In General, the discipline is better than in the past. I can remember that we played in the pool for hours Fangis. Well, Yes … the lifeguards were previously not always been as present as they should have been.

It is actually a topic that keeps us on our toes. Often because someone has the feeling that he would be filmed. It is clear that foreign persons are not allowed to be filmed or photographed. But I am aware of against a General ban, because I think that the mother should be allowed to photograph your child, if it floats independently for the first Time. Such images belong in the family album.

in addition to Swiss and many Germans in the Badi but it is more the fact that in Switzerland, many German life. In addition, people with Italian roots, Brazilian. The visitors come almost from all over the world and from different religious backgrounds. Recently, six ladies in Burkinis learned to swim in one of our courses.

If a group besieged the grill, it can come to clashes. Otherwise, we rarely have problems. This is certainly due to the fact that the workforce is international and, if necessary, can convey. I have employees from Kosovo, the work almost as long as I have.

Because many of them like to move. The Triathlon Trend plays us very in the hands, and older people today are as active as ever. For you to Sport in the water is not particularly gentle, because your body weight rests on them. Indoor pools, one of which is in Switzerland, almost all in the 1970s were built when the weather is bad is also a kind of holiday set.

Whether you prefer the chlorinated or natural waters, is comparable with the question of whether one is a Migros or Coop – to-child. I’m definitely an indoor kid.

I don’t like it when I feel in the Swim algae on the legs. In addition, I like to see at the bottom of this.

I can remember that I always ran barefoot from home in the Badi. Flip-flops, it was not known at the time. The gravel road in front of the entrance hurt like hell. In the Restaurant there was to buy huge pieces of pecan pie. I was in Paradise.

Approximately five years. In the children’s swimming lessons, the water was to cold. Once I ran so easily and went home. My parents and the swim teacher in the Badi, no longer panicked, because they found me.

no. First of all, to the swimming-pool with 28, then into the hot tub with 34 degrees. This is exactly my thing.