It is not good for democracy at universities in Germany. The issue of participation is reminiscent here of dogmatic-run battles of the sixties and seventies to third – and quarter-parity, completed conflicts of a far away time. With the excellence initiative has, since the century, the vision of a top turn-down managed University, whose legitimacy is based implicitly on the principles of excellence and the participation in opposition to each other.

This is a damage for the University, because only participation and transparency provide protection against structural failure decisions that are swept from the Management of the University under the carpet.

Just Poland, its democracy and the rule of law at the national level are a cause for concern, provides an example of how democratic culture at institutions of higher education maintained can be. The Silesian University of Wrocław (Breslau), the counts since the last year, one of the ten Polish universities of Excellence, chose the end of may a new rector. This choice was, as in all Polish universities usual, a Feast of democracy: It was formed a body of two hundred choice people who have been determined by the various groups at the University by choice: a hundred professors, and fifty post-doctoral researchers and lecturers, forty students and doctoral students, and ten administrative employees. A choice of four candidates, with their CVS, and choice program were published on the website of the University were. The climax of the election campaign was a very businesslike-run, five-hour panel discussion of the four candidates, which was broadcast live on Youtube, and for all Interested parties was. Members of the University were able to ask questions that were previously submitted in writing. The Voting itself was held in compliance with the Corona-protection obligations in the large sports arena Wrocławs, the sufficient space for the distance true the end of voting bot.