because Of “folders out”: If at the meadow brook school, group work is announced, get the students ‘ Tablets from the Load – and backup-in closet. Eight of these flat computers with on-Screen operations there are in each class, another for the teachers. The results of the group work on a digital panel display that is compatible with any operating system. The whole school comes wirelessly to the Internet; the computer room with hard-wired computers was resolved. The primary school in the new district of Grävenwiesbach is a pilot project, the high Taunus district visitors, from Ministers to members of Parliament shows like. In the future every primary school should be equipped in a circle in such a way, which will probably last about three years.

Bernhard Biener

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the high Taunus district.

F. A. Z.

The money the Federal and state governments are providing with the digital Pact. In Hesse alone, there are 500 million euros in the next five years. It was agreed the Pact before the Corona pandemic. As in March, the schools had to close, has been Learning and teaching over the Internet from one day to the other everyday for students and teachers. The high Taunus district has not offered in March, all 59 schools a Cloud-Software, of school Affairs to manage and work sheets replaced. Teachers and students can also set up channels to communicate individually or in a group. In addition, the schools can use the Hessian of the school portal, which provides additional modules.

offer can not benefit all students

some remained on the offer, however, theory. As is clear from the response of the district administrator Ulrich Krebs (CDU) on a request from the FDP-circle tags, group shows, were not able to use it 17 schools, because you have no Online. You only contact by email, phone, video conference, and remained during the school closure. But also not every student has own computer and fast Internet access. The district Committee has asked the school managements to assess the need for IT equipment such as Tablet computers for the students to be able to the Online offers of the teachers use. 58 percent of the principals saw a high, 29% moderate, and twelve percent of low demand. Also an assessment of whether the students have access difficulties when it comes to broadband, was asked. The headmaster suggests that 37 percent of students have to wait for a long time to Download the worksheets. 40 percent are likely to have medium, and 23 percent of low difficulty.

From the point of view of the FDP, the schools advised due to the lack of facilities and Expertise at the limits of their digital opportunities. “The theme that leads a shadow existence,” said school Committee member Katja Adler (FDP). As a proof of the digital policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, Franz Tauber leads, dealing with the digital Pact. The circle with more than 50 schools have so far made no requests to have the money to retrieve. So far, the Grand coalition have the FDP requirement for a digitization officer is always rejected, and we may now need good. While there is some good solution about the Education Cloud, the FDP-group Chairman, Stefan Naas. “But it must not depend on chance, whether students and teachers can take advantage of.”

a Unified System for digital tablets recommended

of Course, the district administrator, cancer, and the digitisation competent First see associated with Thorsten Schorr (CDU) is different. In the school Committee on Monday, in an interim report, what the high Taunus district with the 15.6 million euros from the digital Pact. A steering group made up of representatives of the school boards and the State Supervisory school authority are members, has set three main priorities.

All the schools of the district should be able to offer in all the rooms and wireless Internet access. Thus, Laptop, printer and digital panels can be networked, are also investing in appropriate devices, such as servers and routers, as well as the Software needed. The third focus is the “presentation technology”, so what was once a chalk Board. The circle has made in the past years, very different experiences with ease of use and the vulnerability of the “whiteboard” and “Active Panels”, such as the electronic billboards hot. The steering group strongly recommends a unified System.