There will be people to whom it is indifferent whether the provider of the system gastronomy such as pasta and pizza chain Vapiano, the steak house Maredo, or Coa, is a specialist in Asian cuisine, have had to file for bankruptcy. Others have eaten there. Otherwise, the chains would have been able to conquer, all start-UPS from Germany, never the local inner cities and shopping centres. You have contributed your part to the life of a city, also in Frankfurt. Here and there it will be burned started to go further reduced, but the principle applies everywhere: well to grown up fast, money.

Who has always, in the future, an exciting gastronomic concept that starts in a big city like Frankfurt is good and also in a second and third branch works well, you should think of further plans for growth therefore, good, whether he wants to go such a way, really. In General, the same errors are associated with the growth repeat themselves: The concepts are not watered down, the staff is as good as it is the tight-knit founding team in General, the growth delusion, compromises in site selection will be made, the revenge – and the only reason why, because you promised the investors that you have brought, up to a time X sales of Y, but only U has the power.

There are even more uncomfortable Gastro-truths: The industry has a bad one equity ratio, a new product is bought from the money of the previous day, and also paid for the staff. The credit rating is bad, so that the credit rating drops. A shock such as the Corona-pandemic added, no longer continues it. So why reach for the stars: it is not Enough to be happy about a small, fine concept, the shanks works on a site, possibly with a handful of regional good?

In the case of Coa, a doctrine, moreover, makes the speed of things not only for employees and customers. Two years ago, private money borrowed from donors in the context of a Crowdfunding campaign the organization 1.5 million euros at an interest rate of 7.5 percent. Attention: If you won’t get anywhere else more interest, is to be understood such a promise, such as the announcement of an impending insolvency.