Cloudy sky, rain a bit, not to hot: The conditions for the growth of the potato could currently hardly be better. The Ruedi Fischer (52), the top potato farmer in the country says. The Berne speaks of the “enormous and brilliant” conditions. Of the “wachsigem” weather. If the summer is not too dry and hot, could 2020 be a really good year for Potatoes.

The Problem is that The stocks from the harvest of last year are not yet exhausted for a long time. This applies in particular to potatoes that have already been processed to French fries. They stack up at minus 25 degrees in a variety of deep-freeze warehouses. Switzerland sits on several 1000 tons of French fries. Or with other words: It fries-jam reigns!

the Background is, the consumer behavior during lock downs. Two months the population remained in the own four walls. French fries are, but especially eating out. On the ski slopes. While Hiking on the mountain. In the Burger Shack. On the Soccer field. At The Gymnastics Festival.

carrots instead of French fries

To land home Fries only rarely on the plate. “Unfortunately,” says Fischer. The reputation is to blame. Unhealthy the product is. A fat bomb, no Fitfood. When you visit the pub you will love the sin, but to be at home hell rather have a carrot Sticks. Furthermore, deep fryers are got out of fashion – the Oil will quickly become rancid.

Therefore, the bearings are still full. Therefore, the French manufacturer Kadi has announced that it will purchase up to 25 percent less potatoes of the coming harvest, unless there is no Substantial change in the Situation. Because deep-frozen French fries keep the locker “12 to 24 months,” says Fischer.

And what happens to the tubers, which can find at most any buyer in the fall? You could have processed more Kuhfutter. “It’s already the case today. The cows like the very and give more milk,” says Fischer. Alternatively, the potatoes could be used also for the production of Bio-electricity.

of Inspiration from Belgium

but most of all it would be fishing, if the use of the Swiss is on the rise again. If more French fries are feasted. More Hash Browns. More Boiled Potatoes. More Gnocchi and more Gratin. He and the Chairman of Association of Swiss potato producers – toying with a campaign to encourage eating. The Newspapers of CH Media reports.

Belgium is a role model. It is the mother country of the French Fries. Moules-frites is the national dish. The farmers in the state produce all year round and are one of the largest Frits manufacturers in the world. The Lockdown has sent the potato industry of the country, but in the crisis. She is sitting on a mountain of potatoes. And that’s not 750’000 tons of the precious tubers need to be disposed of, is called the Belgian population to eat two Times per week French fries.

“the Swiss eat Rösti or Swiss, eat French fries”: this Is also the solution for the local industry? Fischer is thinking about it.