Frédéric A.* the ultra-conservative Catholic fraternity of St. Pius X. he belonged to. In the years 2010 and 2011 miss of the spiritual needed to be in a boarding school of the Pius brotherhood in Belgium, a nine-year-old boys sexually. For the Offense, he was sentenced in 2017 by a Belgian court.

Three of the total five-year penalties, the Pedo should be allowed to settle priest in prison. A. accepted the verdict, but a request for a drug dealer can serve the penalty in the Canton of Valais. As the newspaper “Le Nouvelliste” writes now, wandered the Pedo-priests, but never behind bars. After the verdict, in Belgium, he has not been arrested according to information and was able to settle in Switzerland.

Belgians left Valais in the dark

In his native village Fully VS the convict Sexverbrecher of the law enforcement lives unmolested, as the US organization and uncovers the Church Militant. He was going there, even with his nephews to the local swimming pool.

The Belgian authorities launched the case, apparently, to the Swiss. The chief of the Valais enforcement authority says to “Le Nouvelliste”: “There is no application for a Transfer is so that he can serve the sentence for us.” In Brussels it is in the case of the Vice-President of the first instance court, we have no information about the case, because the punishment will not be served in Belgium.

The municipality does not want to comment due to privacy reasons, if the Paedo has a priest resident there.

it Came also in the Canton of Valais to be an Assault?

According to the Church Militant is supposed to have needs, Frédéric A. also in the Valais and child abuse. The organization shows on its website a Video in which the parents of this other child, raise serious allegations. The Assault happened, according to information in 2005, according to a holiday camp for children in the Canton of Valais.

The Secretary-General of the Pius brotherhood, Abbot Christian Thouvenot, explains that since 2006, all members of which were convicted, would be excluded from the brotherhood. This was also done in the case of Frédéric A.. The Pius brotherhood have set any contact to the man. “He has betrayed not only the trust of the families, but also the one of its Upper and the community to which he belonged.” (noo)

*the Name has been changed