The Champions League game between Liverpool and Atlético Madrid are pushing on 11. March, more than 50,000 Fans at the famous stadium of Anfield. A few weeks later, the deaths from the Coronavirus-infected people are piling up in the hospitals in the area of Liverpool.

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assertion: to test The gathering of people at the match to the Corona-infections in the Region in the amount driven. This should have led to more deaths.

rating: That the Match has accelerated the spread of the Coronavirus, is regarded as likely. A proof for the more deaths there are not but.

facts: The game was the last great football game in England, before public life was restricted: defending Champions Liverpool, with the German coach Jurgen Klopp has lost after extra time 2:3 (1:0, 1:0) against Atlético Madrid (first leg: 0:1), and arbitration in this year already in the second round of the Premier class. About 52,000 people came to see the competitive game in the famous, fully occupied stadium of Anfield.

3000 Fans travelled from Madrid, to were although in the Spanish capital at this time, the first restrictions of public life. The day before, it had been decided that, in Spain, no spectators are allowed at football games. A few days later, the country is called the alarm state, the operation of the game in La Liga has been completely stopped.

According to estimates by the Imperial College London and Oxford University in Spain, which was hit particularly hard by the pandemic, had, at the time of the Champions League game, round of 640,000 infections. In the UK, therefore, approximately 100,000 people were infected with the Coronavirus.

In a period of 25 to 35 days after the Champions League tie in Liverpool have been counted in the hospitals in the area 41 Dead, more than in the same period, in similar clinics, which were used as a comparison in size. The newspaper “Sunday Times” reported and referred to the appropriate model, the consultant company Edge Health. The companies analyzed in the order of the British health service NHS medical data.