Goethe’s assistant Johann Peter Eckermann is amazed not bad, as for him the aged poet laureate, told at the table that he had experienced as a youth in Frankfurt, the boy Mozart in a concert and he remembered “the little man in his hair and sword are still clearly”. This is quite interesting, or? Whom Goethe met only unfortunately never: the virologist Christian Drosten.

As we come now to that? It’s simple: We want to attract new, young readers and for Goethe, Mozart and high culture inspire. Since we assume, however, that Digital Natives read in the conventional sense, the newspaper, but, at best, a single article that they encounter, thanks to the Algorithms, we must resort to this little Trick, and in our texts, and popular search terms, braiding, and as the “Drosten”. Now, we don’t want to write about Annette von Drosten-Hülshoff, since names are sacred, and the disappointment would be at some of the probably too large.

But at least it’s a current conspiracy theory must be allowed for the enhancement of Attention, for instance in the kind: As a Freemason, Goethe and Mozart knew already from the Coronavirus. You have it kept a secret. The is clicked, it goes viral. More readers could capture in the network at most, in order to Goethe and Mozart were a sex addict. How? This contemporary type of click acquisition you find untrustworthy? Well, read the column now Yes but.