An officer of the special forces command (KSK) has turned in a letter to defence Minister Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer (CDU) and the concern with extreme-right tendencies in the elite unit of the Bundeswehr increased.

Like the mirror, the letter is reported to be preceded by the Letter at the beginning of June to Kramp-Karrenbauer. In him, the officer should have pointed out that within his unit, extreme right-wing tendencies and a cover-up would be tolerated. In the Letter, which should include a variety of sources suggest that between twelve and 14 pages, to call the officer also examples. As an instructor I used as an identification code of “Y-88”. The letter “Y” is the indicator of the Bundeswehr in the road. The number 88 is in the extreme right-wing circles as Code for “Heil Hitler”. The instructor was dismissed in 2019 because of its proximity to the Identitarian movement from the KSK.

The Minister asks the captain, according to the “mirror” is to make the grievances to the chief thing. It had developed a non-austrockenbarer swamp within the KSK, this is a “deep structure and reach the Creator than is currently in the Ministry will know”. The leadership of the SFC was unable to cope with the enlightenment, “apparently”. In addition, disciplinary action would be used met this, “to make soldiers and, above all, critical of the officers to heel”. Also, he personally had been affected by the “harsh measures”.

Like the “mirror” reported to be the officer since 2018 in the KSK. This would mean, therefore, that he is still in training and in other areas the army was.

the Extent to which the officer takes in his Letter to current cases, or merely to past concerns, it is not clear from the report of the “mirror”. Remains open, as the officer stands to the letter of his commander, Brigadier General Markus Kreitmayr,. The had asked in may, in a Letter to all members of the approximately 1000 soldiers strong Association of all the extremists to leave the Association. “You don’t deserve our companionship!”, wrote Kreitmayr. “You don’t belong to us!” The Meaning should leave the command and the Bundeswehr voluntarily. “Don’t do it you will find that we will find you, and remove!”