must Also occur in the future, no Minister as a split personality. Horst Seehofer may continue to inveigh against the AfD; he must also send to each interview sentence on the political opponents ahead of, he outer now only as a CSU politician. But he is not allowed to spread such talks as official Statements and, therefore, with national resources in the Military intervention. This violates the principle of Neutrality and the law of the AfD to equal opportunities in political competition.

it was a simple, predictable victory of the AfD – and he could have been easily avoided. It’s true: The Karlsruhe case-law seems at first glance artificial. Ministers are usually party politicians, and in both functions in the service. So any public Statement attributed to the Minister and the party.But is this too every, that, for example, a public official of its state funds should not support his own party and the political opponents fight. He already has state possibilities, about which the Opposition has been. In the case of the Federal Minister of the interior in addition, he also heads the protection of the Constitution. Certainly, Seehofer, no press release has been issued to a in his view “the state of decomposing” the Manifestation of the AfD, but an Interview to be published; but it is also not too much to ask, to publish such Statements on the official Homepage.

of Course, the government needs to make public Relations. And Galleria is the Minister of the interior can defend themselves so in the future against attacks also in sharp Form. He must not interfere with letter and seal of the state in the competition. The AfD and other parties that may be affected, however, are anything but defenseless, as has been shown. The hearing in the organstreit proceedings is a good stage. The AfD is in view, if you Minister soon even the Ministry of the interior, you’ll have to deal with the Opposition “yet creative”. Just before the law everyone is equal; otherwise.